Building and Executing an Effective Social Media Strategy

02 November, 2016
Executing and having a good social media strategy can be difficult due to the time required to cultivate it. Like everything else, you get what you put into it. But how can you devise a plan that can be effective? First, you have to figure out what you want to get out of it. Then, establish your objectives and goals so you can react when your campaigns are not meeting expectations.
Will your social pages be an informative vehicle for your company or a way to buil...
Free Marketing Tools to Maximize Your Strategies

26 September, 2016
Today marketing department budgets and resources can run thin. The requirements for branding, social media, PR, trade shows, product launches, collateral, promos, and websites, can all be daunting. The list is just too long to mention them all. If you are a marketing professional, you know far too well, how difficult it can be to get things done. Marketers have more systems and more data to go through than most companies' infrastructures can handle. Luckily as marke...
What score would you give Klout?

15 August, 2012
Does Klout really measure influence and should marketers pay attention?
Human nature requires acknowledgement and validity. This cannot be more true and necessary in the business world. Social media has overtaken our lives and your either with the rest of the world or against it. Resisting it is futile. So how does a business measure social media success? Typically, you want to measure your success through the following 5 phases (see chart):
Chart Content: ...
The Pinterest Phenomenon

25 February, 2012
The hottest alternative social media niche network
Last month, I outlined the best online marketing practices and discussed social media sites such as Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn and YouTube. These sites are the core social media sites every business should be utilizing. This month, I would like to discuss if you should add the new Internet phenomenon called Pinterest to your list. Is this niche consumer social network the next gold rush for businesses?