10 Tips for Hiring a Consultant

18 April, 2012
What you should ask yourself when hiring a consultant
Consultants, if used wisely, can bring on a great impact to your business. Their outside perspective and years of experience can initiate new ideas. I usually hire consultants/agencies for two reasons:
Teach me (those things for which they were hired). Ideally, I will learn how to do something and then hire them to teach me something else. The good consultants will get hired repeatedly. Don’t be afraid ...
Marketing Terms and Definitions

10 April, 2012
A list of frequently asked marketing terms and definitions
Marketing Terms Definitions
I decided to write this article because I am always asked to define many of the basic marketing terms. There is no one word or phrase that captures what marketing is. There are many levels to it and many options for a company to choose from when they develop their marketing plans. I believe marketing is an essential part of any business and anyone in the business field sho...